Tags: Frozen Sea Bream whole

Frozen Sea Bream Whole

AED 19.00 Vat. Included
The farmed gilthead sea bream gets its name from the golden band across its head. Silver in colour and around a pound in weight, these fish are the perfect portion size. Sizes range from 300g to 1kg, though they tend to average at around 450g making Sea Bream a great fish for serving whole. The larger..

Available Options

Frozen Sea Bream Whole - Per 500Gm
Frozen Sea Bream Whole - Per 500Gm
AED 19.00
Vat. Included

The farmed gilthead sea bream gets its name from the golden band across its head. Silver in colour and around a pound in weight, these fish are the perfect portion size. Sizes range from 300g to 1kg, though they tend to average at around 450g making Sea Bream a great fish for serving whole. The larger 800g+ fish provide some good size fillets. Can be grilled, baked, steamed, poached or pan-fried. At it’s best with lighter, subtler flavours, and with any Mediterranean flavours.



Frozen Sea Bream Whole

Country Of Origin




Whole, Whole Cleaned, Fillet

Whole : The fish is kept as without any cleaning and cutting.

Whole Cleaned : We keep it in its whole shape with the head, we just remove the guts,gills,scales,fins and part of the tail.

Fillet With Skin : Meat from the lateral sides of the fish is chopped and packed as boneless pieces. This will be keep with skin.

Nutritional Benefits

Nutritional Information

Sea bream has a higher fat content than other white fish and can be considered a valuable source of omega 3 fats. These fats have many health benefits: helping to lower blood pressure, promoting heart health, reducing inflammation. It also contains more of vitamins E and D.

Nutritional Values (Per 100gm)

Energy (Kcal)

Fat (gm)

Carbohydrates (gm)

Protein (gm)

Cholesterol (mg)

Sodium (mg)

Potassium (mg)

Calcium (mg)

Iron (mg)







