Tags: Mussels

Frozen Mussels

AED 22.50 Vat. Included
Mussels are a great source of important vitamins; with levels of iron and folic acid to rival red meat. Mussels are also a rich source of zinc.. Raw Meat. Un-boiled and un-cleanedCOUNTRY OF ORIGIN: CHILENUTRITIONAL BENEFITSThey keep your heartbeat regular, lower blood pressure, and help blood vessels work a..

Available Options

Frozen Mussels Whole  - Per 1Kg
Frozen Mussels Whole - Per 1Kg
AED 22.50
Vat. Included
Frozen Black Half Shell Mussels China - Per 1Kg
Frozen Black Half Shell Mussels China - Per 1Kg
AED 19.50
Vat. Included
Frozen Green Half Shell Mussels New Zealand Small - Per 1Kg
Frozen Green Half Shell Mussels New Zealand Small - Per 1Kg
AED 48.00
Vat. Included
Frozen Green Half Shell Mussels New Zealand Medium - Per 1Kg
Frozen Green Half Shell Mussels New Zealand Medium - Per 1Kg
AED 57.00
Vat. Included
Frozen Mussels Meat - Per 500Gm
Frozen Mussels Meat - Per 500Gm
AED 10.50
Vat. Included
Mussels are a great source of important vitamins; with levels of iron and folic acid to rival red meat. Mussels are also a rich source of zinc.. Raw Meat. Un-boiled and un-cleaned



They keep your heartbeat regular, lower blood pressure, and help blood vessels work as they should. Mussels are rich in the marine Omega-3s, EPA and DHA. If you are trying to lose weight, mussels give you a lot of nutrition without a lot of calories


Energy (Kcal)Fat (gm) Carbohydrates (gm)Protein (gm)
1724.48 g7.39 g23.80 g
