Tags: Smoked Mackerel Fillet Eastco

Smoked Mackerel Fillet Frozen

AED 14.50 Vat. Included
Hot Smoked Mackerel is fresh whole mackerel that has been smoked and cooked, over oak and beech wood in a special smoker oven, by master smokers.Fresh mackerel is prepared, salted, and seasoned with secret ingredients. Next, the mackerel are placed in the cold smokebox (further from the fire), and gently an..

Available Options

Frozen Smoked Peppered Mackerel Fillet (220Gm to 260Gm)- Per Pack
Frozen Smoked Peppered Mackerel Fillet (220Gm to 260Gm)- Per Pack
AED 14.50
Vat. Included

Hot Smoked Mackerel is fresh whole mackerel that has been smoked and cooked, over oak and beech wood in a special smoker oven, by master smokers.

Fresh mackerel is prepared, salted, and seasoned with secret ingredients. Next, the mackerel are placed in the cold smokebox (further from the fire), and gently and slowly smoked for about 24 hours. Then, the mackerel are moved to the hot smoke-box (nearer and above the fire) and smoked and cooked for up to two hours. After that, Hot Smoked Mackerel are removed from the oven to cool.

Hot Smoked Mackerel is smooth, creamy, rich, and subtly smokey in flavor.



Frozen Smoked Mackerel (Fillet)

Country Of Origin





Fillet Without Skin: Meat from the lateral sides of the fish are chopped and packed as boneless pieces. This will be regular fillet cut without skin.

Fillet With Skin: Meat from the lateral sides of the fish is chopped and packed as boneless pieces. This will be kept with skin.

Nutritional Benefits

Nutritional Information


Nutritional Values

Energy (Kcal)

Fat (gm)

Carbohydrates (gm)

Protein (gm)

Cholesterol (mg)

Sodium (mg)

Potassium (mg)

Calcium (mg)

Iron (mg)



